New Year, New Job Boot Camp: Resumes


Listens: 0

Whine to 5


After a brief hiatus (did you miss us?), Part Trois in our New Year, New Job Boot Camp series is here! Now that you know what kind of job you're aiming for, let's get that resume in tip-top shape so you'll be hired on the spot. Listen up for the real scoop on resumes from our resident HR expert, Allison. We'll answer: How important are resumes actually? What should you put on your resume? How can you make your resume stand out (like Elle Woods)? Let's goooooooo!Subscribe on Apple Podcasts and wherever you listen to your podcasts, rate and review us, share our podcast with your friends, your coworkers, your boss if you’re so bold. Follow us on insta: @whineto5, and don’t forget to write us at