NFL Game Show #2: QB Saturation, Patriots, and Campfire stories of the tragic life of a Receiver


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Fulfill My Fantasy


Our Second Episode of the 2018 Fantasy Football Season and this one gets dark on the world’s greatest and possibly only Fantasy Sports Gambling Game Show. We kick it off with no return with the full 6 on the show as Steve tries not to pee himself and takes over host/house for this episode. As the show starts and we argue if iLOVEMakonnen is a hair stylist and whether or not that had anything to do with him shooting his friend, and some breaking news about drake’s under age endeavors. Steven who would have seemed to add A. Smith to his name with his exaggerative vernacular as he says words like prognostication in a podcast with 6 underachievers and uses terms like “age of majority” in a debate about drake/r.kelly taste in younger women. He introduces the panelists/degenerates Mike, Kyle, and Anthony and all their faults as humans and players as Kyle believes it’s okay to tell the public you will donate to charity, but lie about it and not pay it. Seriously, what a complete scumbag and message him so @FMyFKyle on twitter. Anthony also thinks this is a real game show and no one really cares what mike has to say unless it’s about baby mama drama. Our pinky and the brain researchers Tim and Daniel are still plotting a way for our podcast to take over the world. Apparently, Pinky(Daniel) won’t hear Brain’s(Tim) plan because we find out he was born narf…excuse me I meant deaf. As we find out new physical disabilities and awful character traits about our friends, we also dish out some fantasy entertainment brilliance as we recorded this week 3 of the football season and the listeners get to hear now how wrong we were or are. Either way, you’ll get some laughs. We open up with our original first take on the saturation of the Quarterback position in fantasy. Second, we introduce a new game and possible acronym with two swear words that might make Samuel L. Jackson a proud man called Whats Good F.A.M we’ll say the first letter stands for frail as we talk about some injured players Ajayi, Fournette, and Freeman. The next game on deck is a proud segment for many morbid reasons called Between the Numbers as the panelists tell the host chilling and sad stories of the lives of some anonymous NFC Wide Receivers along with fantasy background as the host tries to guess who they are and rewards saddest life story and best fantasy outlook. When the smoke clears after an FMYF intermission, only way we know how we come to the next game House Always Wins as Steve makes a bold prediction in fantasy and real life about New England Patriots and the Panelists choose whether or not to agree with it. We end on a staple in the nuts of this show with our segment Bet or Fold as we bet or fold on the current No.1 ranked player for the QB, RB, and WR position and if they will stay top dog. Hit us up if you think we are the greatest fantasy sports podcast in the world or if the world doesn’t deserve this podcast. Download or Die. Find us on Twitter: @FMyFantasy