North Carolina Bookwatch | Sharyn McCrumb


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North Carolina Bookwatch 2004 - 2005 | UNV-TV


DG Martin interviews Sharyn McCrumb - Ghost Riders North Carolina Bookwatch presents critically-acclaimed author Sharyn McCrumb whose Civil War chronicles set in the Southern mountains in her latest novel Ghost Riders, shares an extraordinary tale of the war that was fought farm-to-farm, neighbor-to-neighbor in the part of the South that never wanted to leave the union. In this one-on-one interview, the New York Times bestselling author reveals how she captured the horrors of a war that tore families apart, turned neighbors into enemies, and left the survivors bitter long after the fighting was officially over. In the process, McCrumb introduces a fascinating narrative, rich in historical detail that once again highlights her gift for story-telling and her love of the mountain South.