Not Such a Lonely Planet


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Society & Culture

This podcast is dedicated to the Lonely Planet, without which, the road of travelling off the beaten track would have never been paved. Pauli and Rhiannon met on the corner of Huntington Beach Rd in California, when they were in their early twenties. Pauli is from Austria and Rhiannon is from Australia. Since that chance meeting, and after sharing a flat on Newport Beach during their student exchange at the University of California, Irvine, they have travelled to 18 countries together, including Mexico, Serbia, Romania, Macedonia, Peru, Argentina and Bolivia and also learned so much about one another's culture along the way, despite being from opposite sides of the world and not speaking the same common language. 16 years later, Pauli has just joined Rhiannon and the Travltalk team as Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining, Pauli worked as a senior exec in the finance team at Telekom Austria, where he managed the different regions and territories within them. It was an easy decision to join Travltalk, as it was always a dream of Pauli and Rhiannon's to have a hostel, or build something that connected them to travel - and the excitement of discovering new places, exploring and getting off the beaten track. This episode takes listeners on a transformation - starting back at a time when the Lonely Planet was the only reliable source of information on the road, and was and still is adored by world travellers. It also gives an insight to how people grow as travellers over time and reveals that while the destination may change, it's all about a discovery of hidden treasures, cultures, experiences and the stories you get to tell once you return home, but above all the memories you end up with those whom you've met along the way.