November 2019: Chief Investment Officers on how to approach 2020


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Rich Pickings: Fidelity's Asset Allocation Podcast


This month, Rich Pickings gathers Fidelity's Chief Investment Officers to ask them what investors should be watching for in 2020: the risks, the rewards, and the hurdles they see on the horizon as we approach the new year.  Richard Edgar, Editor in Chief, talks to Andrew McCaffery, CIO for Alternatives and Solutions, Steve Ellis, CIO for Fixed Income, Romain Boscher, CIO for Equities, Neil Cable, Head of Real Estate, and Punam Sharma, Director of Equities.  **If you enjoy Rich Pickings then why not try our sister podcast, Fidelity Answers, where we hear from the experts on a range of topics affecting markets, global economics, and the world of investing.**