NZ Pubcast - Session 20 - Drinking Irish Stout in English Pubs and clubbing seals to death is the way forward


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New Zealand Pubcast


In a post St Paddies day 20th Pubcast Session, Shift and Dodge get together in Christchurch's only "English Pub' to talk about such pubcast staples as beer, the environment and why 3 billion people in the world need to just go...On the beer front: Why the Irish bars in Christchurch are shite, why the English pubs serve nicer Irish Stout, Why Canterbury Draught is the worst beer in NZ...On the environment: Shifty explains why killing whales and clubbing seals is good for New Zealand...And we round it all off with a blast of Irish music from some kiwis (Hoob Nail Boots)Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......or subscribe through itunesDOWNLOAD PUBCAST SESSION 20Talkback to