OBA Episode 38 - Motivated Sloppy Taste Sharp Eyed Killer


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On Being Animals


When life gives you oats, record a podcast with your brother. This time my brother Clayton, aka the Clayzer Beam, helped me learn about the Motivated Sloppy Taste Sharp Eyed Killer. During the episode, we try to figure out if anything matters, we talk about being above the line, about being trashy fast-food eaters, and we learn about man-eaters, but not the man-eaters that make you work hard make you spend hard make you want all of their love. Most egregious error: I couldn’t remember how sex ratios are related to resource abundance. In my defence, this is a bit of a nuanced relationship that depends on the animal. Research on owls has shown female-biased sex ratios when breeding territories have an abundance of prey. For the Motivated Sloppy Taste Sharp Eyed Killer, it might be the opposite because serious male territorial competition is due to limited resources and results in adult male deaths giving us the female-biased sex ratio. That is the answer I should have given in this episode. Instead I mumbled and poured more tequila. Oh, and it's not 25%, we actually share up to 60% of DNA with bananas. We're all just making proteins and replicating DNA. Science level: High! We talked about how eyes work and photons.