Obamania: A microbe with the shiny, poisonous tentacles


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Time To Bring Things Around


Hi! everyone. Welcome back to my blogFor old readers, as you guys know I am finally back and hoping this time i will be better than ever. By the way, I realized that my nation fell apart when i left so join me back in this journey so we can go together.For new ones, I am patriot, country-lover, strong, and bold person. I express my views to people whether they like it or not. I am going to show you right face of people and their ideas about the things that either don't exist or don't make any sense. So stand by, Super Rizvi is inviting you to join me in this journey where we left off.Therefore, ITS TIME TO BRING THINGS AROUNDThe year, 2009, was started peacefully from Sydney, Australia to all the way Honolulu, United States of America. People made a number of resolutions and hopes that everything will get better and their life will be back to normal from this economic downturn. Hope is the word that is still keeping people alive. That one day they will wake up and see sunshine that says to them good morning sir/madam so lets get started. A man from Chicago who has an Hawaiian background, started to redefine the meaning of a word "hope." People start believing him and adoring him because of his words that bring them energy that they need to fix their own life. This man calls himself Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America.Many people voted for him without even knowing anything about him. Yes, that's true. Most people just know his name. Now i would like to share some stats with you about the voters who voted for Obama and their lack of knowledge courtesy of Direct link to the source. Click here Zogby Poll512 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College GraduatesResults to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)71.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).And yet.....Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothesOnly 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughterAnd 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we "gave" one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)Barack Obama gained support actually by being a black man who is surrounded by bunch of white people. It makes him look cool to innocent and dumb people of USA. He started to campaign by using his technological awareness stunt on John McCain that McCain does not know how to use youtube. Mr. Obama! if you are reading it, I have a request please read this country's Constitution once. There is some cool stuff in it like qualification to become a President of the United States where it does not mention anything about awareness of modern technology. And it reminds me one more thing that Mr. President is so proud of his awareness about technology that a couple of days ago, he forgot the link of usaservice.org. He flubbed on it about seven times. It could not gain attention because media is full of liberals who melt right in front of Obama. Good luck with that Mr. President. You must be so proud of keeping it out of people's sight.Also, people consider him as a second coming of messiah. Is he really a Savior that everyone is talking about? I am a simple guy. I ask you these questions;1) Have you ever seen this guy walking on the body of water?2) Have you ever seen Obama healing sick people or giving a life to dead?3) Have you ever seen our President turning water into wine?If once, please let me know because i believe my lack of knowledge is taking me out of President's good side. This man has not done anything. You are taking him like a person who is a remedy of your diseases. Actually, this man's stimulus package is worse than the remedy that big institutions got, better known as bailout. This seems like a shiny, precious metal but actually it is bitter as a poison because it is taking our economy no where as New Deals implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. As you all know the relationships of Barack Obama and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright is Pastor Emeritus and the former Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), a mega church in Chicago. He was an attention of controversies in March 2008 when he stated in one of his sermons,"God bless America..Nah..No..NO, God d*** America." After that Obama gave his speech "A More Perfect Union" in which Obama stated that Jeremiah Wright is like a family to him, strengthens his faith, can't disown him more than his white grandmother, and he respects Wright for his contributions. Do you believe on a man who has pastor giving him guidance to destroy this nation?The main factor in making Barack Obama the President of United States of America was his stimulus package that could take out the country from the worst economic downturn since Great Depression but this actual worst economical crisis that was initiated by President Jimmy Carter because he spent most of the budget money on environmental projects that were still failed. Barack Obama wants to pass approximately $1.2 trillion budget deficit during times when our country owed approximately $10 trillion. How Government is going to get this much money and if they have this much money why dont they pay off those debts so country can out of those burdens that are main causes of this recession. Obama wants to use in these fields that are as follows:He wants to start a new social health program better known as Universal Health Care Plan. Ok this make sense to me that this is the most important area where money is acquired most when half of the population is without any kind of health insurance coverage.He wants to build up the social infrastructure of local areas by building roads, highways, off-shore drilling, and energy alternative projects. I don't feel like federal government can take this kind of responsibility because last time when FDR introduced New Deals, policies to improve conditions of social infrastructure, that took this country to nowhere and they were ended up by being abolished by Supreme court or either overruled by FDR's own cabinet.His plan to provide jobs to about 4million jobless people.(in different occasions Obama said 1.5million people, 2million people, 3 million people or 3.5 so these decrees by Mr. President keep changing). I believe if he is really going to do that this is the good step but first he has to have enough amount of government, semi-private, or private institutions who can hire this number of people. Unfortunately, this is not the case because Obama is only going to tax rich people that makes 5% of our population who are responsible for providing jobs to middle class people. Just answer this question; if you are heavily taxed by your government than are you willing to live in this country? So these people might move and set up their business in other countries. On the other hand, Obama announced that he wants to bankrupt the coal industry on the issue of energy alternatives. This will lead to the loss of millions of job in this industry. Has Obama ever thought about that?Barack Obama started his campaign with the word hope and change that i discussed earlier in this blog. Now, he is president. Did you see any sign of change and hope so far that makes you think that Barack Obama is really bringing a positive revival in this nation? In his inauguration speech, he did not show any signs of change and try to be conservative through bipartisanship that is,I believe, a good sign for taking this country forward without even caring about the past. He used many statements in his inauguration from President Bush's speeches from different occasion. Doesn't that make you think he is another Bush that according to liberals is the worst president in American history but apparently he is the best president who has gone through tough periods but he fought back, and defended our nation, and saved lives of those liberals who had fear of another terrorist attack in post 9/11 era and now criticize just to be kept up their liberal faces?Barack Obama has planned a number of plans that are either going to affect this nation positively or negatively. It might have mixed type of effects on the nation. Many people will like it but others won't. As you all know, he did not do anything yet even in his own state, Illinois. He was the senator representing the great state of Illinois and voted present on most of the bills in senate that basically means he does not have any opinion or is not interested in participating on those issues. When state has their representatives in senate, they expect that those representatives express and legalize their state's views whether they become effective or not.I personally root for Obama to succeed because his success is my success and this nation's success after all he is our president. We should respect him whether we like his views or not. Unfortunately, we could not show the respect that Bush deserves. People booed him during inauguration those people prove that they are neither patriotic nor optimistic for this country. However, they proved to be partisan that Obama does not like. Obama-lovers! Barack Obama seriously does not like the way you coordinate the way he was even he was glad that no violence was happened but he could not represent his nation properly the way he actually by having you respectful to other people. It makes sense that you are in love with him but give this guy a break. First, see how he does his job and then either praise him for his positive efforts or analyze him when he does anything wrong. Nation! open your eyes, rub them, and then you can see the world from the bright side. It is the side that you generally used during Clinton's presidency, Reagan's presidency, or others.I hope you like this article. After reading it, try to think about what you are missing from inside. Think it as this could be helpful to you. Loving someone up to certain extent make sense but when it reaches the limit, it becomes dangerous.I will wait for your feedback posting your comment right below this blog or if there is any difficulty then send your feedback to syed4presorking@aol.com. I will loved to take your feedback to my consideration that might help me in my next month's blog.Thank You!Happy Chinese New Year!Good luck!God bless America and all other nations around the world!© 2009 Syed Rizvi – Time To Bring Things Around All Rights Reserved