On tour: Reasoning with Burni Aman & the Sciences


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Ghettomedz9 — Edit Embed Stats Boost Share Delete About the show CHART POSITIONS This upload was 92nd in the #underground hip hop chart. TAGGED #interview#underground hip hop#cape town#burni aman and the sciences#switzerland We caught up with Burni Aman _a hip hop/spoken word artist and wordsmith from Cape Town, South Africa. Formerly formerly aligned with the rap ensemble Godessa together with Shameema and EJ von Lyric that As a collective they brought you worx like Social Ills and Mindz Ablaze before going their separate ways. She passed true JSection with the Sciences to do shows promoting her debut album titled Sweet Sciences. For more info on the Lyricist from the Mothercity check out http://www.burniaman.com/ Also if you in CPT pass True for the send off /farewell. check it via https://www.facebook.com/events/1643276625953604/ The interview runs for about an hour for our listening pleasure. Enjoy!