One Female Powerlifter’s Fight to Defend Women’s Sports


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Problematic Women


Beth Stelzer walked into her first powerlifting competition expecting to encounter a room full of individuals who were there to support strong women. Instead, a biological male who "identified" as a woman distracted from the competition by protesting throughout the event because he was not permitted to compete with the women.As a result of the experience, Stelzer took action to protect women’s sports from transgender athletes.  Stelzer is the founder of Save Women’s Sports, an organization dedicated to protecting the right of every woman and girl to compete on a level playing field. Stelzer joins “Problematic Women” to discuss President Joe Biden’s recent executive order that opens the door for biological men to compete in women’s sports.Plus, Inez Stepman, a senior policy analyst at Independent Women’s Forum, joins us to talk about the Grammy Awards and why the blatant sexualization of women does not empower women and girls.And as always, we’ll be crowning our “Problematic Woman of the Week.”Enjoy the show! See for privacy and opt-out information.