Our Responsibility and Opportunity to Work Toward a Better Normal


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Carolyn Copper's Podcast


With the power of human resilience, innovation, ability to adapt and adjust our course, and apply our extraordinary problem-solving skills we stood up to the challenges of 2020. Continuing to harness that power and strength can get us to a better normal in crucial areas that can no longer wait. In the US, clothing purchases often happen because of a whim, impulse, out of boredom, the need for a "pick me up", because the sale was just too good to pass up, or because “it’s just SO cute.” Those habits have caught up with us and have created massive stress on the environment because most clothes end up in landfills. Natural resources are expended and polluted in the process of bringing us those 4 for $10 t-shirts that never get worn, or worn once and then get trashed. In the United States, we’re free to shop where we want and how much we want based on our own personal decisions. That freedom also comes with responsibility and opportunity to shop sustainably with an outlook on the well-being of our shared environment and its future.