Paul Seaburn_What in the World_with his sidekick John DiNallo 5_17_21


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What in the World with Paul Seaburn


All podcasts are designed to assist and aid listeners to meet their challenges in life. We are here to support each other...What in the world will I be talking about tomorrow (Special Monday Edition) on What in the World? A Russian action movie on the International Space Station. An American actress chasing UFOs. Waking up with a foreign accent. A three-eyed cow in Wales. Lake monster in a PGA water hazard. A medieval statue gets a stone mask. First crop circle and Ogopogo sightings of 2021. Lots of unusual world records. More odd news and trivia. Strange sports. And we’ll play everyone’s favorite weird news game – Bluff the Co-Hosts. Real news, sometimes strange, always funny. Now on Youtube! Visit my page at where you can download the podcast free from many platforms. Or watch the latest ones on YouTube (live show on Tuesday at 3:30 Eastern) at