Perek Shira: Wild Animals/חיות השדה by Rabbi Shmuel Lynn (י'א כסלו תש'פ)


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Talking Tachlis

Religion & Spirituality

Rabbi Shmuel Lynn is the Executive Director at Meor Manhattan and served for 12 years as Executive Director of Meor at Penn, where he continues to teach regularly. The Maimonides Leaders Fellowship, his flagship program there, is now available at more than 50 campuses throughout North America. The Israel and Poland trips he pioneered in his early years at Penn have become national entities, receiving generous support from foundations and Israeli government initiatives with thousands of alumni. Before coming to Penn, Rabbi Lynn lived in Israel for nine years. He studied Torah, Jewish philosophy, and Talmudic Law at the renowned Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem, the largest yeshiva in Israel. Rabbi Lynn first graduated from Duke University, and then went on to the Tisch Film School at NYU, later spending several years working as a writer in Los Angeles. He was born in New York City, where he currently resides, but grew up in Palm Beach, Florida. He is the husband of Ruthi Lynn, and the father of eight children.