Periods Knocking You Down? 7 Subtle Signs You Shouldn't Ignore


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Finding Health


Your period can tell you what is happening inside your body, and some of these are your body that outside of what is considered normal during menstruation.  Dr. Vijay Nielsen discuss 7 subtle signs to keep an eye out for what is "normal" over time - can be a warning sign.  Sometimes 'normal' period symptoms like heavy flow, blood clots, terrible cramps that do not respond to pain killers, diarrhea, digestive symptoms, painful intercourse and acne breakout may seem normal, but that does not mean you are OK, especially if these are new symptoms. Being tired, needing an extra nap, struggling with PMS, changes in cycles are all clear signs you should get help ASAP. There are 7 subtle signs you should keep an eye out when it comes to your periods knocking you down are: 1. How regular are your periods? 2. How many days does your period last for? 3. How is your period flow? 4. Do you have pain with your periods? 5. Is your emotional well-being affected. 6. Does your skin change? 7. Do your digestive symptoms worsen?  If you have these symptoms, get those symptoms in check early may save you a lot of hard work down the road.  If you feel that your doctor is not taking your concerns seriously or is not committed to finding the underlying reason and help you with your symptoms, that’s a sign you should try to find a more sympathetic doctor who will be a better fit, like a homeopathic or integrative doctor who can help you find the best treatment.