Pilar Mejia: Healing Mentor + Slayer of Domestications // Ep. 8


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Xantico House Podcast


Pilar Mejia of I Heal Myself to Heal the World, a space where she writes to share about her healing journey as a mestiza woman from the lands we call Mexico. Her space is not about enlightenment or sharing fake spirituality. She says, "I don’t do “spiritual work”. Spirit knows what we need and who we are." Pilar is a Slayer of Domestications, focusing on finding our authentic selves and healing our ancestral trauma, speaking up about white supremacy and racism. She is a cannabis advocate, a no-bullshit writer, intuitive healing mentor, racial justice activist, and a badass woman who is here to shake things up! In this episode: Becoming disenchanted with the yoga culture of the U.S. The delusion of "love and light" being enough, spiritual bypassing The importance of both white and BIPOC healing from white supremacy How society is structured to numb us to our shadow aspects The harm of personal and global disconnections and domestications Reconciling being of service and accessible while still paying your bills Decolonizing feminism, not identifying as a feminist How the ancestral genocide of European white women plays into present day traumas manifesting in oppressions Cannabis for OCD and pain, how CBD oil is a placebo Connect with her: ihealmyselftohealtheworld.com, patreon.com/IHealMyselftoHealtheWorld, @hijadeitzpapalotl, Email pilar@iammyownguru.org Also mentioned: Itzpapalotl, Aztec warrior Goddess who stands for purfication or rejuvenation by sacrifice of that what is precious. "Cihuateteo, “Divine Women,” were the malevolent spirits of women who died in childbirth. They were likened to the spirits of male warriors who died in violent conflict, because childbirth was conceptually equivalent to battle in Aztec culture. Not only was Itzpapalotl considered one of the Cihuateteo herself, but she was also one of the Tzitzimime, star demons, that threatened to devour people during solar eclipses." Robert Augustus Masters http://robertmasters.com/writings/spiritual-bypassing/ "True spirituality is not a high, not a rush, not an altered state. It has been fine to romance it for a while, but our times call for something far more real, grounded, and responsible..." Host + Producer Lola Venado: lolavenado.com, @lolavenado Podcast: branchandbonemedicine.show, @branchandbone You can support the production of this community offering by sharing, rating, or making a donation. Thank you!