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Audio Aggro Podcast


Episode 1: Pilot  Show notes: Hosts: Kyle Crow, Wes Grollmus, Randall Hoffman  Summary: Our first show! We talk about who we are, what we are currently playing, and where we came from.   Episode Table of Contents: Intro:  0:00:27 What Wes has been playing:  0:00:45 What Randall has been playing: 0:05:30 What Kyle has been playing:  0:18:40 Some WoW talk: 0:20:45 More Hearthstone talk: 0:24:45 Wes and Randall reminisce 0:29:25 Topic of the week! 0:31:00 Wes's Gaming Background 0:31:00 Randall's Gaming Background 0:36:45 Kyle's Gaming Background 0:41:30 Randall NFL 2k5 Challenge 0:44:45 Local Hearthstone Tourney 0:48:01 BM In Hearthstone 0:56:25 Wes and Anna play Lara Croft: 1:04:00 Board Games! 1:14:15 King of Tokyo 1:14:50 Resistance: Avalon 1:18:05 Non-Listener Questions 1:28:20 Round Table: Fav Hearthstone deck:  1:28:20 Outro: 1:37:11