Pinterest - A Potential Lead Generation Goldmine?


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The Big Idea


Pinterest is synonymous with DIY weddings, home decorating tips, vintage furniture, fat-burning workouts, and cupcakes. Unless you are focusing on a very specific demographic, none of these are ideal sources for leads. So, when it comes to using Pinterest as a potential ad platform, many marketers scoff at it...

But don’t be too quick to roll your eyes.

Even though it may seem like an unlikely lead generation candidate, with 37 million wealthy customers, this visual search engine definitely has some hidden and untapped potential... and then we’re not even talking about specialized audience targeting options such as “act alike audiences” (similar to lookalike audiences) and a robust keyword targeting mechanism, which could be a goldmine for low-cost leads.

In this week’s The Big Idea podcast, Christina Clapp and David Jackman share their thoughts and observations with Grant Perry about using Pinterest as part of diversified marketing strategy.

Correction: It was previously mentioned that Christina’s team hit CPCs that were around $1.50; however, while the bids were $1.50, actual CPCs of $.60-.70 were achieved for Actalike targeting, and $.95 for keyword targeting.