Pleasure, Pain and All - Dr. Foojan chats with Dr. Jia Gottlieb about Pleasure


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Inner Voice - Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan


Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio.  In this segment – Pleasure, Pain and All – Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about observing your destructive patterns and their impact on your life. She shares with you about the impact of hearing the news of your friends passing due to covid in the Ask Me segment. I bring you Dr. JIA GOTTLIEB, who is a physician with a unique therapeutic approach based on his extensive training in both Western medicine and Eastern healing arts. During a 12-day trek in the Himalayas, he found his calling as a doctor. He received his MD from Northwestern University, completed his residency in family medicine, and then traveled to China, Japan, and India to study acupuncture, martial arts, yoga, and other ancient practices. Shortly after returning to the States, Dr. Gottlieb established Still Mountain Clinic in Boulder, Colorado. Today we will be talking about his latest book: Aah… The Pleasure Book. Connect with me at