Podcast 2.2 Shane Youman on the South Korea Ferry Tragedy


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Coming to America Baseball


Lotte Giant's pitcher, Shane Youman, opens up about the April 16th Sewol Ferry Tragedy where over 150 died to date and its impact on baseball in Korea. We also learn which Korean foods Shane, a former MLB lefty,  will review this summer in our upcoming Player Restaurant Review.  And for those of you having difficulty pronouncing Korean words,  Shane will help with that too. Please subscribe to us on iTunes: Coming To America Baseball or check our YouTube channel. For odds and ends about baseball around the Pacific Rim, check out www.ComingToAmericaBaseball.com For the best Mexican cuisine in all of Korea, it’s TaKorea of Daejeon https://www.facebook.com/TakoreaMexicanGrilltakolia Mention this podcast and you’ll get 15% off your next meal. For excellent prices on custom made clothing, check out Paul’s Bespoke of Bangkok https://www.facebook.com/paulbespoke Tailor to the stars, Sanny, will make his rounds in USA and Europe soon.