Podcast 38: Just the Dialogues


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Learn Japanese Pod


In this lesson you will learn how to make a suggestion to your friends in natural sounding Japanese. It’s better to be indirect with your language as being too pushy can make you come off as being arrogant or rude. But don’t worry, we have you covered. Just check out the main dialogue and extra example sentences and you should get a good idea of how to give your ideas and advice to other people. Main Dialog 1 – Making a suggestion (Japanese) A: いや〜もうだめだ。 B: どうしたの? A: 彼女と喧嘩したんだ。まだ怒ってるみたい。 B: じゃあ、花でもプレセントしたらどう? A: そうだね。そうしよう。 B: 彼女きっと喜ぶよ。 A: わかった、じゃあ、そうしてみるよ。 Main Dialog 1 – Making a suggestion (Pronunciation) A: Iyaa, mō dame da! B: Dō shita no? A: Kanojo to kenka shitan da. Mada okotteru mitai. B: Jaa, hana demo purezento shitara dō? A: Sō da ne. Sō shiyō. B: Kanojo kitto yorokobu yo. A: Wakatta, jaa, sō shite miru yo. Main Dialog 1 – Making a suggestion (English) A: Argh, this sucks. B: What happened? A: I had a fight with my girlfriend. It seems she’s still angry. B: How about giving her flowers as a present? A: Right. I’ll do that. B: I’m sure she’ll be happy. A: Got it. I’ll give that a try. Extra sentence examples: Example 1 A: 頭痛いな。 Atama itai na – I have a headache B: 薬飲んだらどう? Kusuri nondara dō? – How about taking some meds? A: そうだね。そうするよ。 Sō da ne. Sō suru yo. – Right. I’ll do that. Example 2 A: いいアイデアが思い浮かばないな Ii aidea ga omoi ukabanai na – I can’t think of any good ideas. B: 少しやすんだらどう? Sukoshi yasundara dō? – How about taking a break? A: そうだね。そうするよ。 Sō da ne. Sō suru yo. Right. I’ll do that. Example 3 A: 肩凝ってるな。 Kata kotteru – I’ve got stiff shoulders B: マッサージ受けたらどう? Massaaji shitara dō? – How about getting a massage? A: そうだね。そうするよ。 Sō da ne. Sō suru yo. – Right. I’ll do that. Example 4 A: お腹が空いたな Onaka ga suita na – I’m hungry B: おやつ食べたらどう? Oyatsu tabetara dō? – How about having a snack? A: そうだね。そうするよ。 Sō da ne. Sō suru yo. – Right. I’ll do that. Example 5 A: 退屈だな。 Taikutsu da na – I’m bored B: 映画みたらどう? Eiga mitara dō? – How about watching a movie? A: そうだね。そうするよ。 Sō da ne. Sō suru yo. – Right. I’ll do that.