Podcast Episode 06: My Anxiety is Trying to Kill Me :: World Mental Health Day


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Howl and Blossom


It's World Mental Health Day! And I've been riding the most serious wave of anxiety that I've experienced in years. This podcast episode is a raw, unedited account of my experiences over the past week. I talk about how I turned up to work and lasted 10 minutes, 7 of which I was crying. I describe how my anxiety meltdown felt, what I'm doing about it, and what I've learnt as a result. I've not edited myself at all. There are pauses, and a lot of fumbling and erm-ing, and I wanted to keep that in there to give you a true reflection on where I am at at the moment. Some of those pauses were due to me catching my breath while I tried not to cry. I hope this episode is relatable, and I hope it goes some way to combat the constant highlight reel we are exposed to with social media. If you're struggling right now, you are not alone. We're in this together. And there are thousands of us, millions even, who are managing our mental health in the best ways we know how. The more we share, the less stigma we face, and the more we learn. I'd love to hear about your mental health journey, and the tools you use to cope. Use the links below to get in touch. :: The Howl & Blossom Podcast :: My name is Sian, and I’m a wild woman! I love deep connections, soul deep nourishment, and wild authenticity. I’ll always speak truthfully and I appreciate it when other people do that same with me. I’m kind, compassionate, and open. I talk a lot about mental health, wellbeing, feminism in various forms, the cycle of the moon, and the cycles we go through as human beings and women. My Howl & Blossom Community space offers explorations via guided meditations and journaling prompts every New Moon and Full Moon. It’s an authentic, safe space in which we journey home to ourselves, connect deeper with our communities, and nurture our relationship with nature. In addition to this podcast, I send out Moon Musings via email every New Moon and Full Moon (every two weeks) in which I muse about my latest life lessons and experiencing, pour my heart out and generally share authentic writing with you. If you’d like to find out more about me and my project, Howl & Blossom, head over to my website below. You can sign up to my Moon Musings and explore the Community there. You can also find me on social media, I’d love to connect in whatever way feels good to you. Website: sianpeters.me/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/sianpeters.me/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.co.uk/sianpetersme/boards/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/howlandblossom/