Podcast Episode 08: Prioritising Joy


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Howl and Blossom


As we grow up and enter into adulthood we are told to put away childish things - to de-prioritise joy. We are taught that our joy is not important anymore. Moreover, when we do experience moments of joy, we allow our thoughts to thieve them from us - immediately imagining the worst. Something Brene Brown refers to as foreboding joy. But cultivating joy in our lives is important for our own strength and resilience. Without joy we have no antidote to sadness. We have no anchor in darkness - no way to turn on the light internally. In this episode we explore what brings us joy, what steals our joy, why the dance of light and darkness are important, and how we might deepen our connection to our own unique versions of joy. For details of my in-person and online New Moon Circles visit my website: https://sianpeters.me/ If you’re not local to me and you want an in-person experience, you can find other Wild Woman Project Circles here: https://thewildwomanproject.com/find-a-moon-circle/ You can connect with me on Instagram and let me know what brings you joy here: https://www.instagram.com/sianpeters.me/