Podcast Industry Consolidation – PCI 217


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Podcast Insider


While podcaster creators might be hunkering down to finish more episodes for the holidays, podcast companies have been busy buying - each other. Spotify is buying Megaphone and Wondery is dealing with multiple potential buyers. The podcast industry consolidation isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, but it's worth weighing the pros and cons of new acquisition and pondering what this means for the future. We have a unique outlook on this, as a hosting company, we provide advice on what podcasters should do in case their podcast host gets bought. In the early days of podcasting, we helped migrate many customers in short periods of time, to ensure they had no down time before their previous host went under, disappeared, etc. Thanks for joining us this episode of Podcast Insider. Looking to be a guest on the show? Let us know. Recorded live from two well-separated and socially distant podcast studios in northern and southern Michigan; here’s Podcast Insider. Facebook live recording News: • Spotify buying Megaphone for $235 million. • Apple (or Sony) supposedly in talks to buy Wondery, but it would come at a steep price. • Bitcast - Seems like many have tried something similar, with no large payoff or users. Best Practice: What do you do if your podcast hosting company is acquired? Blubrry News: • Podcast to Profit - Our friends at Infostack created a valuable collection of resources on monetizing a podcast. Available until midnight EST tonight. • Private Internal Podcasting webinars tomorrow, Fri. Nov. 13. • PowerPress and WordPress webinar next week, Tues. Nov. 17th at 1pm . Question(s) of the Week: First few episodes missing from RSS feed - Tanya - Gift Girls Faith Question: Why would the first few episodes drop out of the feed? I have 13 but only the last 10 are showing anywhere other than my website. Answer:  In WordPress, the RSS feeds are limited to 10 items in the feed by default. You can change the default for Podcast Feeds by going to the PowerPress Settings > Feeds menu > then select Feed settings and scroll down to where it says “Show the most recent” and set it to 300. Also, check the box that says “Maximize the number of episodes while maintaining an optimal feed size.” and save changes.  This will allow all your episodes to get into the RSS feed (up to 300). NEW! - If you have a question or feedback, click on the “Leave a voicemail” tab on PodcastInsider.com.  Record your question and we may answer it on the show. Promo code INSIDER for a free month at Blubrry.com Coming at you this week from Blubrry Studios in and Northern and Southern Michigan. Produced by the Blubrry Pro-Production team. Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only) Email todd@blubrry.com Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only) Email mike@blubrry.com Send us your podcast sticker and a self-address stamped envelope (SASE) and we will send you a Blubrry care package. Our mailing address is: Blubrry – MacKenzie 150 E. Campus View Blvd. #180 Columbus, Ohio 43235