Porchfest & Southwest


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Flowing With Famous - Fresno Culture Podcast


Welcome to our May episode of Flowing With Famous - A Fresno Culture podcast. This month we take on some things like: Fresno property prices are getting kinda crazy! Is GV Wire legit? A review of the Tower District's Porchfest. Band Of The Episode: Kevin Figueroa! Fresno's air is bad but better! Southwest Airlines is Fresyes-ing. Is live music coming back? This and more. Thank you for listening! DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFamousMay21.mp3 (Occasional cuss words) Check some links for your hosts: Thanks for being here! Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed.  Josh at the Fresno Bee. Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com. Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.  Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking. Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour. Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.