Possibly unnecessary surgery this year - because it would cost too much next year


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Cost of Health

Health & Fitness

 Olga Kennedy is busy woman. She works 7 days a week at Aqua Squad Pool and Spa Service which she owns with her husband, she’s a fulltime mom to two children, and she teaches English and general education classes at a private college in Raleigh, N.C. But despite all of her hard work and success, she still finds health insurance out of her reach. In this week's episode, Olga tells us about making difficult choices between health care and her children's education, as well as rushing a surgery that she might not have even needed. Aqua Squad - the pool and spa service Olga owns with her husband.Follow the coalition and Michael on Twitter @fiscalhealthnc and michaelck and FacebookAnd be sure to join the coalition to help fight for lower health care costsThe North Carolina Coalition for Fiscal Health is a 501(c)(4) corporation, organized as a nonpartisan group focused on economic issues and the rising cost of healthcare in North Carolina. We’re here to talk about improving the fiscal health of all North Carolinians.