Psychotherapist spreading Magic of Caring-Dr Francesca Richardson


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Do you believe in the magic of caring? Our entrepreneur of the month Dr Francesca Richardson from Maryland USA, who is a Psychotherapist, inner Wisdom Therapist, Caring Magic Researcher, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Researcher will make you believe. Listen to her insightful interview in the above video. Dr Francesca Richardson is also known as the Sacred Self Therapist. She has been a psychotherapist, educator and researcher for over 30 years. She can help you connect with your Sacred Self, transform your Inner Critic and reconnect with your Caring Magic. Caring magic is your magical ability to transform reality through care. Transforming your inner critic so that you can align with your Sacred Self. Dr Francesca also does healing of the inner landscape, nature as relationship and healing source, women’s issues, inner child healing, mindfulness, intersubjectivity and relational theory and practice, ageing and caregivers, primary and secondary trauma. What unique work you are doing and what’s your vision? I help women to recognize and care for their Sacred Selves, the unique self they were born with they have forgotten about, the Self that carries the light of creation and seeks their Sacred Path. I have programs to help women gather, heal and learn to express their Sacred Selves. I use hypnotherapy, breathwork, psychodrama, journaling, nature exercises and other healing modalities to help women to step into their power and shine their light. As a coach how you can bring a difference in your coachee’s life and what other benefits she can get? Many times women have lost touch with their essential Sacred Self, the self they were born to be, the baby that came into this world carrying the light of Creation. Because of this two things happen: women criticize themselves for not being or doing enough, based on negative old messages from childhood, and unhealthy messages from society. I help women to transform their inner critic to champion themselves, and the second thing I help them do is to recognize their Caring Magic, their ability to change reality through caring for others. Please share some message with the Womenlines audience. Honour your Sacred Self that carries the light of creation, and your Caring Magic, your ability to change reality through Caring, so that you can shine your light in the world! Visit to know more about Dr Francesca! Womenlines team wishes Dr Francesca best wishes for success in all her future initiatives! Subscribe to to become the best version of yourself! Womenlines is a weekly online magazine publishing content on Business Excellence, Health, Leadership Skills and listed in the top 50 women’s online magazines to follow in 2021!