Pulling Down Strongholds Part-2


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Fresh Encounter Radio Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

••• Bible Study Verses: Matthew 18:29-35, Matthew 18:21-35, Hebrews 12:14-15-16, Genesis 27:41, Hebrews 12:14-16, Genesis 27:41, Matthew 6:15, Ephesians 4:26, Romans 12:19, Matthew 5:39 , Isaiah 43:18-19. ••• “When boiled down to its essence, unforgiveness is hatred”, John R. Rice † . ••• “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another”John 13.34, NKJV . ••• How does the cancel cultural treat forgiveness? ••• What Are Strongholds? ••• What emotions can our adversary use to shape our lives in a negative way? ••• What is a refusal to forgive? ••• What is request for forgiveness? ••• What is a possible Danger of Unforgiveness? ••• What is a possible Consequence of Unforgiveness? ••• What are 3-possible results of The Plague of Unforgiveness? ••• Why is Unforgiveness so Common in our Culture? ••• What is unforgiveness? ••• What are 7-reasons why some choose not to forgive? ••• What are 6-things that Forgiveness is Not? ••• Is forgetting past hurts a necessity of forgiveness? ••• In Nigeria why do they call someone “Mamu” who decides to forgive? ••• Are you willing to let go and let God do a new thing in your life? •••Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on June 12, 2021 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcast to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible. ••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you. ••• Study Guides at: https://shows.acast.com/fresh-encounter-radio-podcast/episodes ••• Exceeding Thanks to Photo by Philippe Collard Photography, @philippe_collard, Montreal, CA, art direction by gil on his mac. ••• † http://christian-quotes.ochristian.com/John-R.-Rice-Quotes/ ••• Broadcaster's Website: http://www.lifelonganointing.com/ . ••• FERP210612 Episode #176GOT210612 ep176 . Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/fresh-encounter-radio-podcast. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.