Punk Not Dead We´re Just Older


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There still a little bit of punk inside who makes your anger Thoose who past. Just went up there somewere.Tell him to fix this shit, down here, and start to care. Please all Punks souls puke on him. Call him god? Show your power or be like Trump -a fucking fraud! Punks not dead we´re just older Turn up the music -Punk punk Life goes on and years pass, joined the middle class, yea! But deep, deep inside, the anger just return. The tones of rebel yell in this version of hell. World just getting worse. Soon just call this place a fucking hell. Fight injustice, and rotten systems. And Racial Prejudice-You can go and: Fuck off!! Fight in tones, and stop this madness of abuse There still a little bit of punk inside who makes your anger... Punks not dead we´re just older Turn up the music -Punk punk