QB Talk—A New Way to Talk Football Episode # 19


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How Women Can Learn to "Talk" Football


Adding some key QB Stats to your repertoire • Count up the number of passes per game your QB has completed so far this season. This statistic tells you how accurate your QB is and the talent of his receivers. If the QB’s percentage of completed passes is low don’t expect his team to be winning football game…But if his pass completion percentage is in the 60% or more range…your QB is doing well. • Here is the mathematical calculation: The number of completed passes thrown by the QB each week divided by the total number of passes thrown = pass completion percent. The more passes your QB completes the greater likelihood his team will win the game! • Keep track of the number of interceptions your QB throws during each game. The fewer interceptions he throws the better chance his team has to win the game! • How often does your QB get tackled each game before he throws the football? Sacks matter…the more a QB gets thrown to the ground the more likely he will be injured. COMPARE THE QB ON YOUR TEAM to the Top Quarterbacks in the NFL • Percentage of QB completed passes per game • Number of QB interceptions thrown per game • Number of passing touchdowns by QB per game • Number of QB Sacks per game NOW YOU ARE TALKING QB TALK