Reach Heights In Empowering Heels With Melanie Soe, Colleen Vaj, Jennifer Vo, and Uviusia Vang


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Beingwonderly Podcast


We have four girls from Roseville Area High School who are all part of a Junior Achievement class, Melanie Soe, Colleen Vaj, Jennifer Vo, and Uviusia Vang. Together, they came up with a company called Empower Heels that aims to create shoes with adjustable heels at the click of a button. In this episode, they share the reason why they wanted to be part of Junior Academy. They also talk about the things that surprised them the most when they decided to start their own company. It’s never easy to put up your own, but starting young builds a great foundation for future entrepreneurial endeavors.  Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the BeingWonderly Community today: BeingWonderly Twitter BeingWonderly LinkedIn