Reinventing Yourself: Zelda la Grange International Best Seller of the Year ’award winning Author and Public Speaker


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Edge Group of Companies — From Executive Personal Assistant, Spokesperson, Manager of Stakeholder relations, Aide-de-camp, personal assistant and Manager of Mr. Mandela's private office to International Best Seller of the Year ’award winning Author and Public Speaker We catch up with Zelda on life after working for Mr. Mandela. She shares her experiences during Covid_19, how she reinvented herself and adjusted to the new "not normal". Zelda gives advice to other entrepreneurs and how to keep going during difficult times. Zelda is a sought after speaker for both formal and informal gatherings irrespective of the size of the meeting. In 2017 she addressed the Council of State in the Netherlands, the highest body of state advising government and the Royal family in the Netherlands. In 2018 her highlights on the speaking circuit included presenting at the Bill Clinton Foundation in Arkansas and delivering the 5th annual Nelson Mandela lecture at the University of Gent in Belgium. In 2019 she also participated in the annual Emirates Literary Festival in Dubai and delivered speaking sessions at King’s College London, COINZ in Brazil and Executive Secretary Live in New Zealand and Australia. She is a regular presenter at the Young President Organisation (YPO) gatherings in South Africa and abroad as well as the Entrepreneur Organisation meetings across the world. Zelda la Grange Bio · Zelda la Grange Podcasts · Zelda la Grange Speaking and Moderating