Resetting Your Mind for 2020


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Pink Lifestyles Club Podcast


This episode encompasses five ways to reset your mind and gear up for a productive 2020. I hope you enjoy the show! Please like, share and subscribe.  5 Ways to Reset Your Mind and Focus on your Goals 1. Meditate Clear your mind. It’s so easy for it to get cluttered in there but thank God for meditation. I’ll be honest, I’m definitely not at the point where I’m doing more than 10 minutes straight but man when my heart is in it those are the best 10 minutes of my life. Don’t make it a thing that has to be politically correct. How you meditate all depends on what works for you. 2. Invest in Alone Time One thing I learned early on in my life being an only child was how to enjoy being alone. For some though this may not be the case. But what I’ve found is the reason why this is true for some and not for others is mostly what someone is doing in their alone time. For me, it depends. I could be listening to YouTube videos, cooking, reading a book or working on a new business idea. Either way, what this time does for me is empower me to make decisions based on my interests and not what everyone else is deeming acceptable for my 26-year-old life. 3. Listen to A Podcast Now I know I’ve said in number 2 that being alone helps you to make better decisions for yourself by yourself however when you are on the track of doing things that a new, sometimes it’s good to listen to someone other than yourself. The key is finding someone who’s life, work ethic, influence you admire and listen to their message. Does it resonate with you? Would you share the information with the people you care about the most? One of my favorite people to listen to right now is Gary Vaynerchuk. He’s so unintentionally motivating. His message always comes across as effortless. 4. Write Out A Plan Of Action Now that I’m thinking about it, the main reason why I struggled with accomplishing my goals was that I had a macro ideology of my goal but no plan of action so after a few days or maybe a week no more than two, I would fall off, hard. I used to get so pissed about it. But what I learned from one of my best friends, who is probably one of the most disciplined people I know, is to write out a plan of action. Even if you are struggling with how to do this there are so many resources. Buy a planner, follow an influencer with a meticulous routine, have one of your friends be your accountability partner. If you can’t find an accountability partner, create a YouTube channel or blog and announce your plans so your subscribers/readers can hold you accountable. 5. Detox Your Social Media Some people may disagree with me on this but to be honest, I could care less. I truly believe that life is about balance. There is literally nothing wrong with being active on social media platforms. What could be the culprit is who and what you’re following. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a step back and analyze what you’re absorbing from social media. Some people just might need to be unfollowed. You may also need to follow people who are a bit more positive and uplifting. --- Support this podcast: