Reuse, Recycle, Rethink : Tanyaradzwa Sahanga


Listens: 342

Avantika Designeering Series


Introducing sustainability as the crux of a brand comes with a set of responsibilities and expectations. Their commitment to developing a business that promises the protection of natural resources and eco-systems requires sheer determination to advance into a world filled with ultimatums. As a fashion designer, to resonate with the essence of a brand and promote a product development cycle that is predominantly sustainable is the ultimate provocative challenge. Today, in this episode we come across a former technology innovation manager of Adidas futurecraft.loop; a project that focused on recycling and sustaining products. Tanyaradzwa Sahanga walks us through her journey from being a designer to becoming an entrepreneur. She explains the commercial side of the industry, how a design process shapes up the product, and ways in which a sustainable environment should be promoted in the working space. The same was featured in Good design Australia at the Women in Design Award Juror. Don’t forget to subscribe to our show and share your comments on