Reverse Engineering Your Life


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Religion & Spirituality

What would it look like to take your "ideal life" and trace it backward to how you got there? After you've listened to this episode, here are some of the questions Tracy encourages you to ask yourself: What is that I feel like is working in my life? What am I doing now, that I love? When do I feel like I’m doing what I’m meant to do as a human? (loving people, loving God, loving life) What’s working? What’s not working? Or… what does a hypothetical future ideal life, where time, money and energy are not restricted look like? After I’m caught up on health, people, etc. and I’d hired others to do everything I don’t want to do… then what? What would I still do? What part of my job would I do for free? What kind of purposeful things would I do, create, produce? How much of my ideal life do I already have, that I need to embrace and feel the joy of? Am I on the path to it? Detouring? Is there a way to step into it even partially right now? What actions can I trace backward that would be necessary to do, to get to that end? (After you’ve spent some time with all this, reach out at and let us know what changes you’re thinking about making.)