Risks in Terminations - LIVE WEBINAR


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HR Jacob Darr


This webinar episode focuses on employee terminations and risk in North Carolina. A lot of the time, HR professionals think that this is a horrible topic, and Jacob agrees that terminations are not happy moments. However, these are often positive actions for the company which improve employee understanding of how their jobs help the company. The termination process is one that, just like the hiring process, should build your brand. Jacob tells us about how to go about a “red carpet termination” that allows the former employee to see your company in a positive light as they leave. Joining Jacob is this episode is Charlot Wood. She is with a law firm in Winston-Salem and specifically practices HR law. Charlot says that there are some things which must be done right during a termination in order to make it as positive as possible, but there are three common hiccups among employers. She goes through these mistakes, how companies try to rationalize them, and how they can be resolved correctly. Charlot takes some questions from listeners, beginning with one about getting remote employees to return company equipment. Other questions deal with paying employees after termination. If you have a difficult owner or senior management and your current HR council is not persuasive, know that Charlot is the real deal. Jacob believes she is the best HR attorney in the state of North Carolina, and she will set the ownership and executives straight. Jacob leaves us with an HR exercise he encourages us to undertake today that will help us climb the career ladder.