S01E18 - Employment issues, questions to specifically for residents, and questions to ask yourself


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Countdown to the MATCH


Today I’ll continue the series of questions you need to ask programs with three more areas of focus. Remember that each and every program will have some time for you to ask THEM questions. Not asking anything makes you come across as uninterested, asking something you can look up online makes you look like you didn’t do your homework, and asking good questions can show that you know what you are talking about.   I’ll follow the AAMC document introduced last episode, link in the shownotes, and and cover three new topics. My goal is to explain the logic behind them, and let you know what to expect in an answer. Employment Issues What are the basic resident benefits? Is parking a concern for residents at your program? Are meals paid for when on call? What is your family leave policy? Is there reimbursement for educational supplies and books? Are moonlighting opportunities available? What are the rules for moonlighting? How are residents represented at the institution level? How is the resident member of GMEC selected? Is there a union? Is membership mandatory? Are there dues? Is there a House Officers Association? Questions to specifically ask other Residents What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? Would you consider the same program if applying again? Is there an appropriate balance between service obligations and the educational program? Is there enough ancillary support to minimize "scut?" What has changed since you came to the program? Is the program responsive to suggestions for change? How accessible is the faculty? Is the relationship with faculty collegial? Do the residents get along with one another? How do your residents get along with residents in other programs? In what activities are you involved outside of the program? How does your spouse/significant other like the city/area? Questions to ask Yourself Finally, you will likely find yourself facing a decision between one of several programs which are all extremely similar from academic and patient-care standpoints. At this time, it is very important to consider factors relating to your personal happiness and comfort for the duration of your residency. Can I be happy working in this program and with these people? Am I confident in the program and the sponsoring institution? Are there factors that make this place (city/town/rural area) an attrac tive place for me to live during my residency? (Factors that you may include are prox imity to immediate and extended family, happiness of spouse/significant other, housing, cost of living, quality of secondary school system, community opportunities, and recreational activities.) Closing: Unfortunately that’s all the time we have for today’s show. Thanks for listening, hope you enjoyed the content and find it useful. Please subscribe to catch each new episode as they are uploaded, and if you find the content valuable please take a bit of time to leave a review on iTunes to help get the word out to other med students looking for answers.  Also feel free to give us some feedback on what you think we could improve on. Remember to send your questions to us through our website at www.thematchgurus.com, or twitter @theMatchGurus - I personally answer every email and twitter DM we get.  Our book is also available on Amazon in paperback and eBook - less that 10 bucks - it is a quick read you can easily knock out on the flight to your next interview. If you find it helpful, please take some time to leave a review for that on Amazon as well - it means a lot. And of course, any of you looking for in-depth specialty-specific preparation for your interviews drop me a line and we can discuss our coaching packages. Take care.