S1E115 - Ep.115 Studs & Duds + Final Super Bowl Lineup Draftkings Fantasy Football


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Tompkins DraftKings Fantasy Football Bulletproof Picks


Football analyst River Tompkins gives you favorite and worst fantasy football plays of the week also known as studs and duds. He gives you all the reasons to pick or not pick someone evaluating their fantasy value, fantasy ceiling, and fantasy floor. He also gives you a look at his final DraftKings fantasy football lineup. This podcast is sure to help you solidify your fantasy picks and dominate your fantasy football league. Remember to subscribe as I will be posting more great fantasy football content. I will be posting Draftkings fantasy football, Fanduel fantasy football as well as snake draft fantasy football leagues. Find out more at https://tompkins-draft-kings-fantasy-f.pinecast.co