S2EP26: ELYSE BEARD + ASHLEY AIKELE - Saying Yes to Bravery


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The Type A Creative


In this episode we talk about: Elyse & Ashley’s background & when they started Bravery Magazine What they think of when they hear “Type A” and whether they identify as Type A Their careers prior to starting Bravery Magazine Elyse & Ashley’s role within their company & how they split up responsibilities How a business partnership is like a marriage Coming to terms with your partner’s weaknesses Their process of coming up with the idea for the magazine & how they decided this was the product that they wanted to put out into the world The experiences with their daughters that prompted them to start Bravery Magazine How they overcame bumps along the road to creating Bravery and how it lead to the idea of a magazine Elyse & Ashley’s experience with their Kickstarter campaign The freedom that comes with not knowing how things are “supposed to be done” Why they decided it was important to invest in branding How having a solid understanding of your mission will guide your decisions in business The lessons Elyse & Ashley have learned from running a business The support they have received from the creative community and women in business How working with a variety of artists has brought their vision to life The power of telling your own story & “being your own kind of brave” What Elyse & Ashley would name the left & right sides of their brains   Mentioned In This Episode: Creative Sunday Lab S2 Ep 16: Heidi Fiedler - Mapping Your Book About Elyse + Ashley: About 6 years ago, Elyse commented on Ashley’s cute shoes in the hall at church, and we’ve been friends ever since. Since that day, we’ve seen each other through motherhood and hard times, and even a rough patch of disagreement on whether Ryan Gosling is hotter than Ryan Reynolds. Though we have our differences, we have something important in common: both of us have big dreams. The idea for Bravery Magazine began as a tiny seed planted at a kitchen table back in 2015. After having similar experiences with our oldest girls, we came together to talk about the lack of strong role models available to help us teach our girls bravery. After running through a few different ideas, Ashley texted Elyse one day and said, “What if we make this idea into a magazine?”. True to form, Ashley’s idea was golden and we ran with it. We ran a Kickstarter campaign in September of 2017 and were fully funded in under three days, proving that our idea is valuable and desperately needed. We are very passionate about the mission behind Bravery : that empowering children through stories of other brave women will help them become their own kind of brave.   Connect with Elyse + Ashley: On Their Website On Instagram On Facebook On Twitter On Email   About The Type A Creative Podcast: The Type A Creative is for those of us who feel like walking juxtapositions. You know who you are. You can balance spreadsheets just as easily as you can design a logo. Sometimes it’s a little disorienting because you’re a left-brain / right-brain blend that doesn’t always fit into the labels of “artist” or “numbers person.”   On the show we bring in fellow bosses, painters, creative directors, film makers, entrepreneurs, and writers — together we’re having conversations about what it is to be both Type A and Creative.   Don’t forget to rate & review The Type A Creative on iTunes,  join the Facebook group & follow Jenni on Instagram!