S5E9. Dear Freshman Ashley


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The Trillest


Listen on Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google PodcastsThe Trillest is sponsored by The Economist! Use our link,economist.com/EV51, to get a 12-week digital subscription for JUST $19 (students) or $25 (general population)!In this episode of The Trillest Presents Dear Freshman Self: trill Penn senior Ashley writes about loving her whole self, training for the Olympics, and humbly being proud of her achievements. This episode is awe-inspiring and urges us all to be ourselves. Make sure you tune in to this week's episode because it is PURRRRFECT!Hosted by Sia-Linda Lebbie. Produced by Sia-Linda Lebbie and Alec Druggan, and edited by Sia-Linda Lebbie. Intro, outro, and ambiance music by Kannan Freyaldenhoven: @kj_frey. Podcast art by Jordan Semprevivo: @jsemp_art. Follow The Trillest on Instagram: @thetrillest_podcast. Follow Sia on Instagram: @lindalebbie.