Sacred Truth Ep. 74: Your Hormone Questions Answered


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Sacred Truths (Audio Version) - Natural Health And Beyond

Health & Fitness

How do we identify hormonal deficiencies and imbalances? It’s an important question. Many practitioners trained in the use of bio-identical hormones rely heavily on laboratory tests to guide them in establishing which hormones in a patient’s body are not functioning at optimal levels. These lab tests are most commonly carried out by an analysis of the blood, saliva, or 24-hour urine tests. The problem is that lab reports can be confusing. Hormones are by far and away the most powerful molecules in the human body. They affect every tissue and every system—in fact, every aspect of health and well-being—and it’s impossible to test the action of any specific hormone in the body directly. Too many practitioners rely on lab reports, which can often be confusing. The hormone reference ranges they give are little more than population statistics including two standard deviations from the mean, which is 95% of a group of "apparently healthy" adults. But, as endocrinologist Henry Lindner M.D. points out, the subjects are frequently little more than employees, friends, and relatives, who themselves have been screened for symptoms of deficiency. So the lowest 2.5% of this unscreened adult population is defined as "low." Then a physician might tell a patient with so-called "low normal" levels—say within the 5th percentile—that his or her symptoms are caused by a hormone deficiency even though 95% of adults have higher levels! Such a reference-ranged approach can easily fail to identify disjunctions in the endocrine system, which makes it virtually impossible to identify hormonal deficiencies that may be occurring as a result of chronic stress, environmental poisons, poor diet, and deterioration due to aging. Henry Lindner asks an important question about all of this: "Why don't endocrinologists offer a symptomatic patient with ‘low-normal’ levels a trial hormones supplementation to see if higher ‘normal’ levels relieve their symptoms? I find they are unaware of the literature for instance about the benefits of higher thyroid, testosterone, DHEA, estradiol, and progesterone levels within the population ranges.” This is often one of the consequences of practitioners holding false beliefs about possible harms of hormone optimization. Like Thierry Hertogue, both Henry Lindner and David Brownstein (another expert in bio-identical hormones whose work I admire) agree that although laboratory tests can be of use, it is at least as essential, maybe even more so, that a physician listens carefully to the complaints and symptoms that each and every prospective patient experiences. Take hypothyroidism. Here are some common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism as a result of even a minor deficiency in thyroid hormone: obesity and difficulty losing weight infertility hypercholesterolemia poor memory headaches and migraines intolerance to cold infections ovarian cysts fatigue. A combination of laboratory tests and listening carefully to the specific symptoms and concerns that a patient has when consulting a physician trained in the use of bio-identical hormones is a good way to go while planning treatment. Another important question for anyone who is being guided by a skillful practitioner in bio-identical treatments is this: Are there ways of eating and drinking that can help support a body's glands for the best possible health creation and results while using the bio-identical hormones prescribed? There are indeed. Your body's hormonal system does not work alone. Using top-quality minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids will exert a positive influence on both hormone utilization and hormone production. It’s also important to make sure you are getting the very best nutrition possible in regard to the foods you choose to eat as well as the nutritional supplements that you choose to take. This has never been more important given the widespread pollution in our environment and all the dreadful convenience foods that ill-informed people continue to buy from supermarket shelves then feed on with no idea how destructive these foods can be for their own health and the health of their families. Good diet and healthy exercise are essential in creating hormonal balance and restoring the your youthful vibrancy. What are the most important nutritional supplements? Here are a few which you need to know: Both niacin and Vitamin C lower blood lipid (fat) levels. L-glutamine can decrease carbohydrate cravings while the trace element chromium can help to both lower insulin levels in the blood and reduce sugar cravings. Equally essential are Vitamins D3 + K2 and magnesium. I find the best way when choosing nutritional supplements is to go for top-quality food-based multiple vitamins. Alternatively, what I often suggest to people working with me on Cura Romana whose systems had become depleted of top-quality nutrients when beginning their Inner Circle program, is that they can often benefit greatly by using an exceptionally powerful nutritional supplement such as Life Extension Mix Capsules or Life Extension Mix Powder. These are advanced, state-of-the-art multivitamins that are vastly superior to most multivitamins on the market. For, in addition to carefully chosen vitamins and minerals, they also provide a broad array of important fruit and vegetable extracts plus many essential minerals and other elements. What about foods? Although each human being is unique, it's important for all of us to remember this truth: It can take 100,000 years for a human being to adapt to new ways of eating. Sadly, the way of eating that most people these days follow relies on convenience foods, which, along with junk foods, are the easiest way to rapidly undermine your health. Many people these days cannot handle cows products, including cheeses, yogurt, cream, and milk. I’ve also found that a vast majority of people whom I work with are not adapted to handle grains of any kind unless they have been sprouted first. Sugar is deadly for your health. It contributes to an overgrowth of bacteria and yeast in your body and undermines the proper functioning of hormones. What we all need in order to help bio-identical hormones thrive is plenty of top-quality, preferably organic, meat, fresh eggs, seafood from unpolluted waters, some low-sugar fruits like berries, and plenty of organically grown vegetables. The foods you choose to eat play an important part in your hormonal balance and wellbeing, sometimes in very specific ways. For instance, eating more top-quality proteins can increase your ACTH levels naturally. Finally, here are a few wonderful foods for high-level well-being and optimal hormonal balance: kale wild salmon spinach broccoli asparagus extra virgin olive oil organic coconut oil butter that comes from cows that have for at least part of their lives grazed on green grass. I hope in this sacred truth video that I’ve been able to cover a few of the important aspects of bio-identical hormones and how best to support them, and by doing so enhance your well-being now and for years to come. Next week we'll look specifically at one of the most important and least understood conditions and find out how bio-identical hormones that are well chosen can transform thyroid issues. Do join us then.