Chasing away Covid blues with music, internships and introspection 1


Listens: 154



Our host Inderjit is in conversation with three brilliant young minds who are beating the COVID blues with music, internships and introspection. Zoya Singh is a great asset with the SageAdvice team and brings wonderful energy to the mix! She is also interning with a hospital in Delhi. She shares how one can structure the day and align with life goals. Baking and painting are her anchors. What are ours? Siddharth strums his guitar and music is his 'go to' for healing and solace. Engaged in a startup, he has taken several online courses to up his skills. He is finding new areas that excite him. He offers great ideas for young listeners. Saloni shares how to beat the anxiety that arises from an endless wait for an indefinitely postponed competitive exam. A young woman finds calm in mindfulness practice, music and musings. Do connect with us and share your inspiring journey with us. SageAdvice is listening,