Salvation Is Not Collective - Interview With Michael Boldea From Hand Of Help Ministries


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Religion & Spirituality

My interview with Michael Boldea of Hand Of Help Ministries. Hand of Help Ministries was founded by Dumitru Duduman in 1986. Brother Duduman was a Romanian pastor who worked many years with Richard Wurmbrandt, Harlan Popoff, and Brother Andrew's ministries smuggling bibles into Romania and Russia before being exiled to America. Brother Duduman and his family, out of obedience to the Lord, eventually returned to their homeland and with the help of American supporters have raised up an effective ministry which continues the work to care for God's people in Romania. Dumitru went on to be with the Lord in 1997. Michael has seen the presence of God in accomplishing the work that his family was called to. In the face of great persecution and opposition thousands of bibles were given to the Christians of Romania even though it was punishable by imprisonment if caught. His grandfather Dumitru Duduman did suffer greatly being imprisoned for his faith. Under extreme torture he never recanted his faith and stands as a witness of faithfulness to this day in Romania. Michael has a bold stand for Christianity in this day and age. You can visit Michael at