Saturday Slap-UP


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IWF Saturday Slap-Up's podcast


Double tag team matches and two sets of twins!? Double your pleasure, double your fun, with this episode of Saturday Night Slap-up! Zion, Indiana… Belvedere, drugged by his new wife Mary "Pill" Poppins is set to battle Conservative Jesus. Then we join Stone-Cold Jane Austen and The Zeppelineer as they battle the Doublemint twins: Lady Wintergreen and Lady Spearmint (Special performance by David Lo Pan) Lizard Billionaire and his girlfriend Filth unveil their new robot dragon league to some Saudi investors but are interrupted by the League of evil authors. In our final tag team match, Lizard Billionaire and Mr. Belvedere face off against Baroness Cinnamon and Duchess Pumpkin Spice. Lead pipes, a butler, a revolver, ropes, what is this, the movie Clueless? Rolling with the homies? As if. After the match, a special scene with Tusami, the Zeppelineer, and a very drowsy Mr. Belvedere featuring fan favorites the Camel Spider brothers, the Droneneer, and a unique performance by Enrique Palazzo. Don't miss this episode of Saturday Slap up!!