SBE058 - Tony L Brown - Standard Procedure


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Small Business Elevation


Show Notes Tony L Brown Business Systems Strategist Tony Brown is a Business Systems Strategist, Coach, Speaker and Trainer. He is the Author of “Standard Procedure” – How to systemise your business, reduce your workload, increase your productivity and become profitable. His goal is to help small business entrepreneurs to gain more free and flexible time to spend doing the things they want to do. In 2015 – Tony was able to travel around Jamaica with his family for 8 weeks – while still running his business remotely.   Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn; Learn how Tony was able to take mentorship from two of his uncles who were also entrepreneurs, where Tony learnt the true meaning of cutting your cloth, in the UK and in Brooklyn New York USA. Why being aware of the struggle, setting up the shop window of his uncles clothing store being immersed in the hustle helped him to understand what it took to succeed through the diversity of his UK uncle and working in the car body shop Why proving the doubters and naysayers wrong, including Mr Jones, Tony’s high school career officer. Helped to solidify his passion and belief in creating his own path. Tony talks about his experience of being a DJ and how this lead him into becoming a youth worker which in turn helped him to build a freelance business. Hear how a phone call from a friend who was being made redundant catapulted Tony into massive action enabling him to go from employment to self-employed, “Don’t wait until things are bad before you start to build something for yourself”. Hear how his new book Standard Procedure, maps out the route to systemising your business and how it allowed him to spend 8 weeks in Jamaica whilst his business ran successfully back home in the UK Tony shares the key fundamentals to systemising your business and how you can do this with free and low priced tools that will allow you to leverage your earning potential and buy back time for yourself. Tony lists some great FREE tools that you can use to scale and sail your business to success Learn how to create your own business systems (Standard Operating Procedure / Operations Manual) with a step by step walk through from Tony >> jump onto the interview at 36 minutes 56 seconds Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability. Success Quote To know and not to do, is not yet to know. Recommend Resources Standard Procedure by Tony L Brown Connect Web – Snapchat – Twitter – @TonyLBrownHQ LinkedIn – Instagram –