Show Notes In today’s show we are delighted to be interviewing Heather Ann Havenwood who will be sharing the highs and lows of her business journey. CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief “Sexy Boss”, is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. In 2006 she started, developed and grew an online information marketing publishing company from ground zero to over $1 million in sales in less than 12 months. Starting without a list, a product, a name or an offer, Heather Ann moulded her client into a successful guru now known as an expert in his field. Heather is the Author of… Sexy Boss: How the empowerment of Women is changing the Rule Book for Sex, Money and Success. Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn; Heather shares the real underbelly secrets of building a sustainable business that she learnt after hitting rock bottom and declaring bankruptcy in 2003. Discover the No 1 question you should ask yourself before making any major decisions especially when you’re in a confused state. Approximately 12 mins into this show Heather makes the clear distinction between the most misunderstood and profitable type of marketing you can learn and master to protect from financial correction and market crashes. Heather gives her perspective on why failure should be viewed as a good thing not a bad one she explains the upside silver lining effect of failure. Discover why you need to build a brand that is viewed as a premium asset and the exact steps to do it quickly. Find out how Heather bounced back from bankruptcy and foreclosure to build 4x online businesses and 2 local businesses in a few short years. What every business owner should endeavour to learn to gain an unfair advantage in your marketplace (this skill when mastered will virtually allow you to create money on demand and you will never need to go into a bank with cap in hand to ask for loan or overdraft). Heather explains the minute details that you should pay attention to, in order to avoid financial rack and ruin down the road (big clue it’s around business STRUCTURE). The simple way to hack the 10,000 hour Rule to move your knowledge and expertise to position you to authority status faster. Heather explains her unique skill sets to transform almost any business that has plateau or starting from scratch using her 3 R Turnaround success formula. Heather forecasts the next big marketing trend where marketers are seeing a 90 % engagement rate and this has nothing to do with email or social media marketing but the results are spectacular. Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability. Success Quote Does this feed my confusion or strengthen my clarity Recommend Resources The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy Connect Web – Facebook – LinkedIn – TEXT SEXY = +1 72000
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