Season 1 Episode 15 "Palin' With Al" with Alexander Walter Allen


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Better Left Unsaid Podcast


C&C Bullshit Factory chat it up with our good buddy and jack of all comedic trades Alex Allen. Topics range from near-kerfuffles, growing up Xian, and getting shut down by a fat dominatrix to the usual Trump-ups and various poop/sodomy jokes. It's a BLAST(ahem)! This weeks episode has been brought to you by the good folks at SIDS (is for kids)and Organic Women. Music this week is provided by Dizzy Gear. They are an internet-based outfit that creates fuzzed out soundtracks for beautifully bad acid trips and wonderful nightmares. At times Dizzy Gear sounds a bit like the psychedelic scenes in a 50's B movie horror classic. Although not for the faint of heart, Dizzy Gear provides what most music the days can't; duality: a voyage into the heart of a hurricane of serenity. Check more of them out here: