Season 1: FAILURE Episode


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Mindset Monday


Guest - Josh Preston As a business coach the #1 question I get is what will make me successful the fastest???  How can I make the most money or find that silver bullet?  The silver bullet = FAILURE and then how quickly you react and recover. Let’s get right into it. What is your mindset around the word….FAILURE?  I usually end every mindset monday with a quote but today calls for one right from the start. It is one of my favorite quotes. I even have it in my email signature, if you get an email response back from me. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill  3 things that I use to change my mindset around failure #1 - The most successful people in society have come out of failure #2 - Failure has taught me I am tougher than I thought #3 - It causes me to change and evolve, more quickly  FAILURE WILL MAKE YOU BETTER, Faster If you want to become successful. Fail often. Means you are taking risks and chances to change the world!! Walt Disney -- Got fired because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas” JK Rowling was on welfare while she was beginning the Harry Potter book series Harland Sanders - At age 65 with years of history of restaurant failures and he had just $105 dollars in his account from his social security check, he made what he called his final attempt to franchising his fried chicken - Getting rejected by over 1,009 people, with his quest to franchise a restaurant - Born was KFC James Dyson -- went thru over 5,000 prototypes and his entire savings, spending 15 years. Now the Dyson vacuum is everywhere and he is estimated at $4.9 billion Thomas Edison - 10,000 attempts at creating the light bulb - HELLO!  MINDSET MONDAY PODCAST Quote: Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely - Henry Ford --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.