Season 2; Episode 3: Our Favorite Facebook Ads!


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Exploring Entrepreneurship with Empire Thoughts


Due to the current epidemic this episode was recorded remotely using zoom. We apologize for the quality of the audio and we hope this episode finds you, your family and your business well.  During this episode we will discuss some of the our favorite ads we have run so far and dive into why they are our favorite. We will break down what makes up an effective ad to get the results your looking for.  We also touch on our phases strategy that we recommend to any business starting out, to help you find your target audience. This phase strategy teaches you how to test and find your perfect audience and ad. It also to help you get the most out your ads budget by targeting PROVEN audiences. Lastly, we dove into different ways you can interact with your community during this time by utilizing email marketing. Since we are in the giving mood, we want to give you guys our TOP 10 EMAIL MARKETING SUBJECT LINES for FREE.  Check out this episode's live recording and GET your FREE SUBJECT LINES by visiting our page -----> If you have any questions, email us at We got your back!