? Season #3:27 The 5️⃣ Ikons of Mindset with Joel Cochran ?


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Influencer Networking Secrets Podcast


Joel Cochran, founder of Ikon Fitness, is today’s guest on Influencer Networking Secrets. For those of you who’ve read my book, you’ll remember that part of being influential is curating yourself (See Chapter 7) This means you must develop your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sides. Joel’s here to show us how everything is connected. In this episode, you’ll finally understand why you’re never able to make those New Year’s Resolutions stick. You’ll also learn about   The GAPING hole in your mindset and how to fill it   How your MIND-BODY connection actually works   The SCIENCE behind your state of mind   ROUTINES for an optimal life, and the one routine you’ve probably never heard of     Resources   Check out free resources Ikon Fitness offers HERE: ?    IkonFitness.com   ? FOLLOW Joel and Ikon Fitness   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IkonFitnv/   LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-cochran-35b63661/   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joelcochran_/   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6bp3-cHvWVqiSt6Xr4hwNQ/featured     ?  Get Your FREE Copy of “Influencer Networking Secrets” (the book) HERE: ? https://www.thepaulsedwards.com Join the FREE “Influencer Networking Secrets” Private Group HERE: ? https://www.facebook.com/groups/influencernetworkingsecrets ? Follow me: Podcast: Influencer Networking Secrets ? Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/thepaulsedwards  ? InstaGram: https://www.instagram.com/thepaulsedwards LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thepaulsedwards Twitter: https://twitter.com/thepaulsedwards