Season 4, Episode 48 - When a Banker Enters Deal Flow for an Exit Strategy - with David Madison at Home Trust Bank


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WatchPitch Podcast: For Start-Ups & Investors


Welcome to Season 4 of the WatchPitch Podcast where we continue with our particular focus on exits... for start-ups, entrepreneurs and business exit strategy that could be the result of a Merger, an Acquisition or the outright sale of your business. Our guest today is David Madison, a serial business owner with 30+ years of Finance experience who is the guy you go to if you want to buy a business, or sell it. At the core of his guiding principles is the three-legged stool of any successful exit: a solid performing business independent of its owner/Founder, a buyer who knows how to execute that business and the culture fit involved with the blending of any Merger or Acquisition. Transition risk is real and in this episode you will learn more about it and how to lower that risk. The arc of the exit just isn’t being talked about enough and that’s why we are, let’s jump in and get started! Red flags, yellow flags and green flags for any exit strategy are real. Understanding how red flags can kill your exit strategy is reason enough to plan ahead and eliminate them so that what you have left is a structure for transition with your business that supports your exit...and, your partner’s newly acquired business. We are thrilled you watched and/or listened to this WatchPitch Episode as we continue to explore the world of exits, mergers and acquisitions for business Founders and Owners ! Thank you for listening and/or watching the WatchPitch channel and podcast.